Providing professional development programs and resources forms the foundation of FCAI. This association is dedicated to furthering the educational development and training of its members and delivering that training in a variety of formats. We will continue to produce quality seminars in our excellent educational center. In the future, we hope to expand our formats to utilize the Internet as a vehicle for education. We are also conduct webinars on various new topics to keep members on the cutting edge of this industry.
FCAI members receive state legislative information from our involvement with IMSCA in Springfield representing subcontractors in the construction industry. A digest of only those pieces of legislation which directly affect finishing contractors changes often and is available by contacting us, along with helpful hints on contacting and talking with legislators. Of course, links to learn more are also included!
Members regularly receive a bi-monthly newsletter and a weekly electronic newspaper. These crisp, colorful and timely publications are designed to keep reader informed of industry trends, important news, valuable programs and upcoming events. These publications will tell you about advertising and subscriptions.
Because FCAI’s concern for worker safety is a vital part of the association’s mission, FCAI provides links that can put you in direct contact with the agency and can provide the latest detailed regulations and recommendations to keep a job site safe. View our safety page and all the resources available there.
The networking nature of associations is a big reason so many professionals join their trade groups. That exchange of and constant search for a guide to doing your job better can often be accomplished by comparing notes with professionals in related fields. FCAI provides links to other associations engaged in varying aspects of construction and finishing to provide members with additional sources of information that can help them better manage their businesses.